Flats Taper Clear Breakdown
When stealthy presentations are required in shallow water, our Flats Taper is the most versatile line for the job.
Our Flats Taper Clear was built with multiple species in mind featuring a short 14 ft. body for quickly transferring energy into your cast and delivering flies efficiently. The 26 ft. back taper helps carry line in the air when longer casts are necessary and allows for quick pickups when the fish are on the move. The short 6 ft. front taper effortlessly turns over weighted and non-weighted patterns without compromising subtle presentations.
This line features a monofilament core and our signature liquid crystal coating for withstanding the hottest temperatures while still remaining slick, supple and fast shooting. This clear line remains virtually invisible to fish and gives the angler an edge when targeting species laid up in shallow water.
SPECIES: Bonefish / Redfish / Permit / Milkfish / Trigger Fish / Tarpon / Snook