Serie 50+ Intermedia

El 50+ Series Big Game Intermediate está diseñado para domesticar las especies de agua dulce y salada más exigentes y luchadoras. Con nuestro núcleo trenzado de más de 50 libras y tecnología Grip Set para una sensación excepcional y juegos de ganchos consistentes. Acabado con nuestro característico revestimiento Tropic Plus para soportar las temperaturas más altas sin dejar de ser resbaladizo, flexible y rápido.

- Línea intermedia completa
- Durabilidad extrema
- Núcleo de cincuenta libras más

Agua: Agua dulce / Agua salada
LÍNEA: Intermedia
CONICO: Peso hacia adelante

LONGITUD: 100 pies
NÚCLEO: Multifilamento de nailon trenzado

Tamaño WF10I - 350GR
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Las entregas en Estados Unidos suelen tardar entre 3 y 8 días hábiles.

Las entregas internacionales pueden tardar entre 7 y 18 días.

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P65 - ADVERTENCIA: Cáncer y daños reproductivos

Freshwater / Saltwater Intermediate Weight Forward Braided Nylon Multifilament

WF 10 350 gr. 41 ft. 100 ft.
WF 11 400 gr. 41 ft. 100 ft.
WF 12 450 gr. 41 ft. 100 ft.
WF 12+ 500 gr. 41 ft. 100 ft.
WF 13-15 600 gr. 41 ft. 100 ft.

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Dual Welded Loops Technology Icon

Los bucles soldados hacen que el montaje sea rápido, fácil y fiable. Los bucles Cortland son fuertes, seguros y duraderos.

Grip Set Technology Icon

Diseñado para darle al pescador un mejor juego de anzuelos cuando apunta a peces de caza mayor o peces con boca dura.

Tropic Plus Technology Icon

La combinación perfecta de polímeros avanzados para lograr una superficie dura y duradera que permanece resbaladiza incluso en condiciones de calor extremo.

Fifty Plus Core Technology Icon

Construido para las especies más exigentes. La fuerza del núcleo de más de 50 libras permite a los pescadores ejercer la máxima resistencia y presión sobre un pez sin comprometer el diseño cónico o la densidad de la línea.

Warm Temperature Technology Icon

Uso ideal en temperaturas de 50 a 70 grados (F)

Tropical Temperature Technology Icon

Uso ideal en temperaturas de más de 70 grados (F)

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5 Reviews
Reviewed by Scott W.
Verified Buyer
I recommend this product
Rated 5 out of 5
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Great line

Worked great for striped marlin.

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Reviewed by Andrew L T.
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Argentine Golden Dorado

At the suggestion of my local fly shop and Cortland dealer, Adventure Angling, I took a 50+ Tropic Intermediate 350 along on the ride down to Argentina's Paraná River for Golden Dorado. I was concerned the 350 grain line might be a bit heavy for my Bob Clay spliced joint quad bamboo #10/11. I had other lines, mostly Cortland, in the 300-325 grain class such as the Tropic Redfish #10 at 305 grains. As it turned out, the 350 grain 50+ Intermediate was nearly perfect for the river conditions & the large Golden Dorado flies. Most of the flies are at least 6" long tied full with schlappen feathers, bucktail, bead chain eyes & a flared deer hair head. The Golden Dorado have very sensitive lateral lines so the flies need to push water and make their presence known especially in murky water. The fishing is a thousand casts of chuck & duck from a boat to the banks and to mid river structure. While huge, the Paraná is relatively shallow and the Dorado are not shy about breaking the surface. An intermediate line is perfect. I found the line loaded well on one false cast & was gone. It was blazing hot, up to 104º & feels like 108º. While I was careful loading the line to prevent twist, the line did have an unfortunate tendency to twist up and kink. When it did, it typically stopped a cast about 15 ' short of its intended destination. When it didn't, it shot very well. The low stretch core encouraged a very positive strike if the Dorado took immediately. Although the twisting was…

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Reviewed by Scott W.
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Great line

Worked great for striped marlin.

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Reviewed by Gary G.
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Perfect Bill Fish Line

I used this line (600 gr) during a recent trip to Magdalena Bay for striped marlin. The line casts really well and worked great for both short “bait and switch” casts as well as longer sight casting on bait balls. I got solid hook sets and it held up fine on fish pushing 200lbs. I highly recommend it and it is a bargain at the price. Well done Cortland!

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Reviewed by Armando
Verified Buyer
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Amazing line!

Easy casting, throws big flies and keeps them in the zone. Tug o war big fish with confidence in fresh or salt. Color is pretty cool too.

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