Micron Fly Line Backing - Seafoam

Cortland Micron is the standard by which all fly line backing has been judged for more than 50 years. World famous for its tight, round braid, smooth low-friction finish and stretch-resistant performance, Micron is manufactured from premium Dacron fibers. Unlike looser, flat braids, Micron comes with zero twist, is virtually tangle-free and knots perfectly every time. Ask any fly angler who sees their backing more than most, and they’ll tell you they use Micron — every time.

LB. Test 20 LB
Spool 100 YD
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Internationale Lieferungen können zwischen 7 und 18 Tagen dauern.

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P65 – WARNUNG: Krebs und Fortpflanzungsschäden
- www.P65Warnings.ca.gov

20 lb. .015 in. 12
30 lb. .019 in. 12